You've grabbed the loot, but how much are you actually going to get away with? Find out in The Split!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Stretch Goal Number One: A Bigger Box!
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 02:20:00 PM
Hey hey! So, we can finally show off the plan for our first stretch goal - the glorious double width box!
Originally, the plan for The Split was to deliver the game cards and the playing cards as two separate decks. However, now we've funded (and exceeded our goal) we can start pulling in ideas that were added to the 'maybe' list. The first one of them is to have all of the cards in one single larger box, which also gives Rain's delightful artwork more room to shine. The playing cards will still come in their own box, it's just that their box will be inside the bigger box! And now the word box means nothing to us all.
So, to make this happen, after doing all the maths, we need to reach a total of £2800. Which, looking at how we're progressing already is pretty achievable!
After that, the next step will be adding in extra Cheat Cards, the first of which will unlock at £3100... more information on them once we do the art, which won't take long :D
Thank you all once again for your splendid support,
Michael and Rain - Wayfinder Games
Stretch Goal Number Two: New Cheat Cards!
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 02:19:54 PM
So it's relatively late on a Friday evening here, pitch black outside, and all of a sudden... we surpass £2800 in pledges, and our first Stretch Goal has been met! Thanks to the fantastic support of all of our backers, every copy of The Split will now come in a beautiful double-wide box that will really catch the eye - we appreciate each and every single one of you!
Now, what's next? Why, new Cheat Cards!
We've got a bunch of ideas for new Cheat Cards ready to go, and the first pair will be crackers. A bit more chaotic that the standard Cheat Cards we've revealed so far, they'll allow players to potentially steal a Loot Card from another person at the table, or drop an absolute bomb by collecting all the Playing Cards and redealing them at random. Who'll win the hand? No idea, but it's the perfect card to play when you know you've lost...
Thank you all again. There's still a LONG way to go - let's see how far we can travel!
Stretch Goal 2 done... On to Stretch Goal 3!
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 02:19:48 PM
We've surpassed our second Stretch Goal, meaning that a couple of new Cheat Cards will be added to each copy of The Split - we don't do Kickstarter exclusives at Wayfinder Games, much preferring that everyone gets the same game. (It's also much more straight forward for us, so we don't have to worry about multiple SKUs and other such nonsense.)
The two new cards that we've unlocked are based around a couple of folks who have been super helpful with the game. First up, Tom aka PerformingNerd, hosted an excellent stream on his twitch channel where we played the game, so his card is based around his love of Rubik's Cubes: "Mix up those cards and start again!" At the end of The Deal, the person who played the Cheat Card collects ALL playing cards in play, shuffles them, then redeals cards back to each player equal to how many they originally had. Play then continues normally, but you can enjoy the fact that you have seeded a small piece of chaos into the game.
Card number 2 celebrates our Backer #1, Oliver from Tabletop Games Blog! "Turn The Tables" is played just after The Reveal, and lets the person take any one playing card from any other player, altering both of their totals!
The next set of three Cheat Cards will bring us up to five new ones, and they'll give bonuses to certain players at the end of the game. With cards for Gold, Cash and Gems, the player with the most cards of that type receives a bonus of $50k at the end of play. The only issue is, when they player receives the Cheat Card, they have to decide IMMEDIATELY whether to play it or not...
So, onwards and upwards! Next stop, £3400!
Ummmmmm... So we've funded?!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 07:59:57 AM
OK, we know our goal wasn't massive, but this FEELS massive. Deep down, we kind of had a small hope that we'd hopefully hit our funding goal in the first few days, maybe roll over the finish line in mid-September a little bit over our target? Instead, we're under six hours in and have reached what we need to make The Split an Actual Thing. So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Each and every one of you.
Now, just because we weren't sure we'd need Stretch Goals, that doesn't mean we didn't think about them in advance. Wayfinder Games makes plans! Of course, we want to add more stuff in, but there's only so much a simple (but obviously excellent) card game can take. We can tell you right now that we've got a bunch of new Cheat Cards (some of them are just utterly out there) but the first thing we want to do is upgrade from individual boxes for The Split and The Playing Cards Deck.
This means that the game will (hopefully) come in a double-width box and with a full colour rules sheet, rather than having the rules printed on extra cards. Because of that, it also means that we'll be able to offer the rather lovely Playing Cards Deck as an individual extra item, which we've had some folks asking about already. That will probably be available in the pledge manager only, but we'll confirm all the details as soon as we can.
Keep an eye out tomorrow for some more in-depth information about our plans for the next couple of weeks, and once again... Thank You All!